As moms we all know how it is when we see a photo of ourselves that we didn't realize was being taken, and didn't slip out of it like a ninja to avoid sure embarrassment, because we {feel} like we look like a hot mess.
There's just not enough time in each day to glam yourself up and be "picture ready" 24/7. You've got love handles, bags under your eyes, a shirt that may or may not have a substance which could be puke, hair that hasn't been washed in what feels like weeks and has the greasy shine to prove it, well the list could go on and on.
My Friend Teresa Photography wrote about feeling too fat on her blog, and missing those moments in photos with her family. You can read that here... Truth is, there's something all of us feel insecure about and don't want to see in a photo... Even famous people spend HOURS on themselves, hair, makeup, clothes etc. before they go out the door because they know paparazzi are one corner away ready to snap a photo. (have you seen the photos of them without make-up? ) This boosts my self esteem at least!
Point is, your time on this earth is never guaranteed. Even though you may feel like you're not so great looking in photos, and are terrified of anyone seeing you in a still image to pick you apart ( I promise you no one will do this as bad as you will to yourself), STAY IN THAT PHOTO! Your Family needs this. Your kids want to see themselves with their mom (or dad) and how they grew up... These are moments you can NEVER get back, & your kids will want to show their kids and their grand kids these images. Not only for professional portraits, but for those everyday shots. ( They need proof they weren't adopted like big brother always swears they are)
I wish I could look like a supermodel in every photo I am in too, but it just doesn't happen... If I'm facing one way my nose is too big, in the wrong light my skin too pasty and broken out, in the wrong bra.. (well those of you who have had kids know what I mean here), or just plain look like death after not sleeping for what feels like an eternity, I just say OH WELL... It's not the end of the world. All my kids see is their mommy, not my hot mess. I still swallow hard when I see some photos... You know you all have at least a few, but my challenge to you is to embrace the moment, not the flaws...
I will share one that I absolutely find horrific, BUT I love because the moment I remember holding my first child in my arms- THIS is what I remember when I see it. I felt pure love like I had never felt before, and even though I look 12 and I'm rocking a perm with short hair (barf) I don't care... this is my baby, this is love...
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